Support Our Rescued Airedale Terriers by Donating Today
To see how we use your donations, click here.
SOAR accepts donations both by PayPal and check. Please do not send cash.
Make checks out to "SOAR" and send them to:
Starting Over Airedale Rescue
1721 Peavy Road
Howell, MI 48843
PayPal Donation
The Maher Fund
For over ten years now, the Cindi Mysyk Fund has taken care of our senior rescue Airedales and their vet expenses, both before and after the adoption. As of today, Cindi will pass the baton on to Vicki Maher, thus beginning the start of the Maher Fund. The same good work for seniors will continue as always. The only thing changing, is the name of the fund.
Vicki was a dog lover throughout her life. In her younger years, she was very involved with raising and showing numerous Schipperke dogs and later became an advocate for greyhound rescue, rescuing two greyhounds herself. Vicki was always extremely generous with charitable causes that she held dear, especially those that provided medical or rehabilitation treatment to animals in need, as well as to strangers that did not have the resources to seek necessary treatment for their pets.
Airedales also had a very special place in her heart as her late brother Tom had a beloved Airedale named Skipper, who Vicki was very fond of. After Tom's passing, Vicki started donating to SOAR to help with veterinary expenses in honor of her brother. With an additional gift from Vicki's estate, we will bring her wish to continue to help Airedales to reality with the Maher fund.
If you would like to donate to the Maher Fund, either click on the PayPal button below or send your check to the address below. Please make sure you indicate on your check your donation is intended for the Maher Fund.
Thank you, and tail wags for your generosity!
The Cindi Mysyk Memorial Fund was started by Cindi’s many friends to honor her memory and tireless work with Airedale rescue and now it will continue on as the Maher Fund.
We will always remember Cindi, who was known to assist Airedale families who needed a bag of dog food or help paying for some medications. She was also a big presence in rescue and helped many Airedales along the way.
The Diana Muldaur Fund
The Diana Muldaur Fund made its debut at the first annual SOAR Aire Affaire on May 1, 2010. Attendees watched a PowerPoint showing Rowan’s story…an Airedale with a medical issue illustrating what the Diana Muldaur Fund is designed to assist with. This was followed by a message from Diana that explained a little more about the Fund and her reasons for supporting it. After the presentations, attendees donated $3,750 to start the Fund. Rowan was our guest of honor and got to greet attendees…healthy and happy. What a testimonial!
For you Trekkies out there, you will remember Diana Muldaur as Dr. Pulaski in Star Trek: The Next Generation. What you may not know is that Diana is also an Airedale breeder and has actively participated in Airedale rescue for many years. When SOAR asked if she would lend her name to a fund for SOAR and for rescue, she was more than happy to do so. The Diana Muldaur Fund was born.
The Diana Muldaur Fund is charged with assisting rescue Airedales in need of those “expected unexpected” veterinary expenses that we all know too well in rescue. Airedales who are heartworm positive and need to undergo heartworm treatment, Airedales with hip dysplasia who need surgical intervention, and Airedales like Rowan, who had a severe infection from rotten teeth which needed to be extracted are just a few examples of how the Diana Muldaur Fund will benefit rescue Airedales of the future.
We have set up a Diana Muldaur Fund e-newsletter so donors and supporters can follow the stories of the rescue Airedales assisted by the fund. If you have not already signed up for this e-newsletter (or any of our others), you can do so by using the “Subscribe Now” module in the lower left sidebar of our Website.
If you would like to donate to the Diana Muldaur Fund, either click on the PayPal button above or below or send your check to the address below. Make sure you indicate on your check your donation is for the Diana Muldaur Fund.
Thank you…and tail wags for your generosity.
Diana Muldaur Fund Policies
- The Diana Muldaur Fund (“the Fund”) was established by SOAR to assist Airedale rescue groups with unusual medical expenses. Accordingly, it may not be used for routine medical expenses: spay/neuter, immunizations, health checkups, or heartworm preventative, etc.
- External grants. Legitimate Airedale rescue groups other than SOAR may apply for grants from the Diana Muldaur Fund by submitting the information, outlined below, to the SOAR President at [email protected]. This information should include the name and contact person for the rescue group that is requesting the grant; the Airedale’s name, age, and sex; a brief description of the medical problem or issue that needs to be addressed; the name and contact information of the veterinarian who has diagnosed the medical problem or issue; an estimate of the total cost of treatment; and the prognosis for the dog’s recovery after treatment.
- SOAR dogs will have priority use of the Fund. In order to maintain an adequate balance to cover needs of SOAR dogs, no external grants will be made that will drop the balance in the Fund below $5000.
- All grant requests for money from the Fund must be submitted to the SOAR Board by the President for Board approval. Board approval may be sought by email and/or telephone between quarterly Board meetings, but must be recorded in the Board minutes of the next meeting. Requests may be fully or partially funded or may be rejected without specifying the reason for rejection.
- The President is authorized to approve spending from the Fund for a SOAR dog up to a maximum of $1,000 without Board approval, but this expenditure must be immediately reported to the Board by email or telephone and must be recorded in the Board minutes of the next quarterly meeting.
Layla's Fund
“Can we name the fund for me, Mom? Pleeaase? I know if people heard about my story they would not only want to donate to my fund, but they would truly understand the love I have to help other dogs who have not been as blessed as me. Pleeaase?”
Layla is a two-time cancer survivor who would not be alive today had it not been for SOAR and for her mom, Susan Fox. Fortunately for Layla, Susan was able to afford the vet care Layla needed to see her through her illnesses. Not all Airedales have adoptive families who are as fortunate. Layla wants to change that. We could not say no to Layla’s request, so Layla’s Fund it is!
“The Cindi Mysyk Fund already helps with vet bills and ongoing expenses after the adoption for senior Airedales ages eight and older, but what about the younger Airedales? Their adoptive families might need some help also! I want my fund to help Airedales after the adoption who are under the age of eight.”
“Perfect,” we say! We couldn’t agree more. Thank you Layla!
If you would like to donate to Layla’s Fund, either click on the PayPal button below or send your check to the address below. Make sure you indicate on your check your donation is for Layla’s Fund.
Thank you, and tail wags for your generosity!
P.S. My mom’s a great photographer and sure knows how to make a gal look good!
Layla’s Fund Policies
- Layla’s Fund was established by SOAR to assist with rescue Airedales, and their expenses, using the following criteria:
- The Airedale must be a rescue Airedale, and must be under 8 years old at the time services were provided and a grant was applied for by a new family.
- Grants are available for rescue Airedales under age 8 and only after the adoption.
- Ongoing expenses such as, but not limited to, medications, treatments or special food may be reimbursed up to the amount of $50 per month.
- Special treatments and surgeries may be reimbursed up to the amount of $500 per treatment/surgery.
- External grants: Legitimate adoptive families of rescue Airedales other than SOAR may apply for grants from Layla’s Fund by submitting the information, outlined below, to the SOAR President at [email protected]. This information should include the name and contact information of the adoptive family, information on where the Airedale was rescued from (name of group or shelter); the Airedale’s name, proof of age, and sex; a brief description of the medical problem or issue that funds are being requested for; the name and contact information of the veterinarian who has diagnosed the medical problem or issue; an estimate of the total cost of treatment; and the prognosis for the dog’s recovery after treatment.
- SOAR dogs will have priority use of Layla’s Fund. In order to maintain an adequate balance to cover needs of SOAR dogs, no external grants will be made that will drop the balance in Layla’s Fund below $1,500.
- All grant requests for money from Layla’s Fund must be submitted to the SOAR Board by the President for Board approval. Board approval may be sought by email and/or telephone between quarterly Board meetings, but must be recorded in the Board minutes of the next meeting. Requests may be fully or partially funded or may be rejected without specifying the reason for rejection.
- The President is authorized to approve spending from Layla’s Fund for a SOAR dog up to a maximum of $500 without Board approval, but this expenditure must be immediately reported to the Board by email or telephone and must be recorded in the Board minutes of the next quarterly meeting.
Donations are Welcome
How We Use Your Donations
SOAR is an all-volunteer organization...we do not have any paid staff. This means that your donations go directly to assist the Airedales that come under our care and support our rescue efforts.
Our first priority is always the well-being of the Airedales that pass through our hands. We make sure that once they are in rescue, they are brought up-to-date on shots, parasite-free, heartworm free, and spayed or neutered. Each of our Airedales is microchipped. We address any illnesses or injuries and do as much as possible to get the Airedales ready to live healthy lives in their new homes. We work to solve behavior problems that otherwise might keep an Airedale from being successfully adopted. Each Airedale is also given a new collar, leash, and tag to take with them to their new home.
We very much appreciate your support!

We Thank Our Donors
Shop with SOAR and support Airedale Rescue
You can order using our PayPal shopping cart, or by sending a check made out to "SOAR" to
SOAR is offering these Airedale items for your shopping pleasure to help raise money for our rescue Airedales.
The prices listed for each item include shipping to U.S. addresses. If you live outside the U.S., contact us at
[email protected] for a quote.
When sending a check, be sure to note what items you are ordering and their quantities and include your email address and/or telephone number in case of questions.
Click on the items below to open a page with details, prices and ordering information.
Questions? Contact us at [email protected]
Memorials & Tributes
You may have your memorial or tribute told here by making a donation to SOAR of $25. Your memorial or tribute may be of a person or an Airedale and may include up to three photos. After you have made your donation, send your memorial or tribute in an e-mail to:
Put "Memorial" or "Tribute" in the subject line. If you would like us to send a notification of your memorial donation, please include a name and address to send the notification to. Attach your photos in jpg format. Do not size them down, we will take care of that.
Claudia Elston
Our dear friend and co-worker, Claudia Elston passed away suddenly on November 27th of 2015. Claudia had an Airedale named Stewart, which she adored with all her heart. She had all kinds of stories about Stewart, from digging his way to China in her backyard, eating her wall, and driving…
Donald (Gene) McMain
In honor of Donald (Gene) McMain, a kind and loving person who loved his family including furkids, Hannah, Mikayla, and Gracie. I’m sure Jackson will be awaiting his arrival in Heaven. The worst he was guilty of was slipping treats under the table to his beloved Airedales!…
Duke Felton
We lost our 13 and a half Duke this past week. He was an Airedale of many talents. He brought in the morning newspaper and promptly delivered it to his “dad”. His internal clock would go off when it was about time for his Sarah’s special transportation…
Elliot Brosco – Michigan
ElliotHello Friend Elliot came to me at five years of age from Starting over Airedale Rescue. He was a surrender and judging by his personality, he was loved. He joined a household of two cats, a large parrot who called him “L” and a two year old…
Elvis O’Connell – Illinois
Some nine-plus years after having resuced Elvis from SOAR with the aid of Ed Stuebe, Elvis passed over the Rainbow Bridge last evening. My wife and I are heart broken to have lost such a wonderful friend and family companion. It was a very quick onset and Elvis…
Fozzie Bear Nims-Billion
Fozzie was a runner. It was his running away that got him into Rescue. As a young pup, he ran away in small town West Virginia. There, he was hit by a pickup truck. The very poor, impoverished animal shelter there, literally picked him up off of the roadside and…
Grace Brosco – Michigan
I just came inside. I put a candle on her grave. I looked up at the night sky and there are so many little stars visible. I am hoping she is with Elliot again… Each night she helped me put big bird to bed and lingered by her cage…
Isabelle Burnside Vollrath
Isabelle Burnside Vollrath 94, of Indianapolis, passed away on July 23, 2016. She was born May 11, 1922 in Shelbyville, Indiana to Edgehill and Ruth (Gordon) Burnside. She married Dr. Victor J. Vollrath, who preceded her in passing on November 10, 2013.Isabelle is survived by her daughters…
Joan R. Hirsh
My mom was a great supporter of all animals. She and my dad were on their second Airedale when I was born. The ‘dales were always part of the family, even when they ate furniture, woodwork, doors…. Multiple times my mom came home from being out at…
Karolyn Simoneit
1938 – 2015 Karolyn was born on December 19, 1938 in Chicago, IL the daughter of the late Raymond and Eleanor (nee Fukar) Worcester and passed away unexpectedly at her home, on Monday, January 26th, 2015. Loving mother of Kathy (Daniel) Sladek, Jamie (Katie) Simoneit, Laura (Bob)…
Tail Wagging Tales
Annie Kobus-Toland MI
We really do love her, she’s a funny dog! She is growing so fast, I took her to the vet again last week and they immediately commented on how tall she has gotten! She and Bentley are still getting along really well. They play constantly; even in…
Ashby Delle MI
Hello! I just wanted to share a picture of Ashby and his first snow experience. He LOVES snow! He hates it when he gets little snow balls stuck in his toes. He does however loves to chase after snowballs. He is doing great and we love him…
Bailey Zacharias MI
FIRST DAY – HEAVEN!!!!!! Oh my, he is a good dog. On our morning walk another dog was out being walked, one of those small breeds, that dog barked nonstop. Bailey looked and was quite and wanted to continue his walk.At the moment, he is rearranging the blankets…
Barnaby Haney MI
Written by Lynn O’ShaughnessyCreated: 11 August 2008Last Updated: 17 June 2013Hits: 5197 Barnaby (aka Henry the 4th) came into rescue as an 11-week old pup. He was surrendered by a family whose dad had lost his job just after bringing him into the family. Henry has found a wonderful home…
Baxter Arnold OH
When serious illness forced Baxter’s family to surrender him, Jim and Cheryl Arnold decided they would act as Baxter’s Aire-angels. The Arnold’s were without an Airedale and, lucky for Baxter, they decided to take this sweet boy into their family. He is adjusting well and enjoying his…
Bea Burns OH
We’ve decided that “Belle” was not quite her, so we dignified her with Beatrice, which quickly became Bea, and quite often she’s our goofy Beazus!! She’s such a silly girl! She’s quite a large dog – nearly 90 pounds – and full of life and energy. Over…
Bella Row MI
Bella was one of seven pups that came from Oklahoma in the summer of 2010. Thanks to Mary Katherine Long, Jan Wiles, and Frances Martin, all of Oklahoma, for fostering these pups while they were in Oklahoma. SOAR really appreciates all the wonderful volunteers who donated their time…
Bingley Jung WV
As you can see from the video below, Bingley would like to have friends, but it seems so many other dogs are intimidated by her, which is such a shame, because she is clearly so much fun. Our kids all think she is just the best dog…
Bixby Acheson – Ontario
We continue to so enjoy and love our dear Bixby. We just came back from two months in Georgia where she got daily long runs on the beach chasing the sea birds, running with other dogs, and cooling down in the ocean. She is full of mischief and love. Everyone in…
Bosco Thomas PA
It’s been a month since we added Cosmo (now know as Bosco) to our family and I thought you should have an update First off we are enjoying him and he has finally settled into the house and our lifestyle. We had a few tough times figuring…