145 SOAR Forms

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These are the forms that should be used when volunteers are conducting business for SOAR.


  • SOAR 501c3
    • This is our official letter from the IRS and can be forwarded when needed.
  • SOAR Expense Reimbursement
    • This is our expense form that should be filled out if someone needs to be reimbursed for expenses.
    • Please make sure that copies of receipts are attached.
  • SOAR Letterhead
    • This is a Word document of the SOAR letterhead if needed.

Application process

  • SOAR Adoption Application
    • This is a paper copy of the on-line application form.  It can be sent to anyone who requests a paper copy.
  • SOAR Adoption Telephone Interview
    • This is a checklist for volunteers conducting telephone interviews for applicants.  It includes suggested questions to ask vets, groomers and applicants.
  • SOAR Home Visit Checklist
    • This is a checklist for the volunteer doing a home visit.
    • It would be best to review this list prior to doing the home visit, then leaving it in the car during the visit.
    • It can be filled out afterwards and then scanned or faxed to the coordinator who asked the volunteer to do it.


  • SOAR Intake Profile
    • This form should be completed by owner surrenders so that we have a better picture of the Airedale they are surrendering.
    • This is not mandatory.
  • SOAR Rescue Release
    • This form MUST be completed and signed by all owner surrenders.  It gives SOAR legal ownership of the Airedale.

Placement process

  • SOAR Foster Placement Contract
    • This form should be completed and given to a foster family, including both fosters and foster-to-adopt.
    • Fill out as much of the information as possible so the foster family knows what still needs to be done.
    • Most foster families will make sure that everything is taken care of for the Airedale.  Assure them that SOAR pays the vet/groom/medication bills.  Let them know that they should contact the President to pay the bills (Treasurer if the President is not available).
    • If this is a foster-to-adopt contract, a date needs to be put in the "Final Conditions" as to when this contract will be converted into a Placement Contract (usually about two weeks).
  • SOAR Placement Contract
    • This is the official contract to adopt an Airedale from SOAR.
    • It should be accompanied by an adoption donation.  The adopting family can also make their donation via PayPal.
  • SOAR Foster Home Report
    • This is a voluntary report that can be done by the foster family to pass on any information to the new family about the Airedale being adopted...its habits, likes, dislikes, schedule, etc.
  • SOAR New Dog Sign
    • Great for new adopters to put on their doors.


  • SOAR Affiliate Agreement
    • This agreement is only for volunteers who are outside the Ohio, Indiana, Michigan area that want to be a coordinator and do rescue in their state.
    • These people can be listed as a "SOAR Affiliate" contact on the ATCA Rescue and Adoption website (National Airedale Rescue) and also on the SOAR website.
    • The Volunteer Agreement must also be filled out and signed.
  • SOAR Volunteer Agreement
    • This agreement must be filled out and signed by anyone wishing to be a volunteer with SOAR.
  • SOAR Contacts
    • This is for our volunteers to use as a quick reference to contacts.

Volunteer Guide

This Guide is for our volunteers to give them insights and guidance to the jobs they volunteered to do for SOAR.  If there are any questions, comments, suggestions or corrections please direct them to the President.