We first saw her at a Rescue event in Grafton, OH in 2003. She was ‘Queen of the Sandpile’ hoarding the pile as her own, chasing and barking at all the big dogs to challenge her sandpile domain~once she chased off our Airedales we knew she was the girl for our house! We already had an in-ground sandbox for her to share with Jake.
She was a senior girl then but had the energy of a youngster. She was so easy to have, no high maintenance of grooming or dealing with ‘terror terrier’ tantrums.
MM has had a tumor in her belly since May. We were able to nurse her along since then, even going for walks around the block. On Wednesday she stopped eating and her system pretty much shut down. The last 48 hours have been painful for us to watch and by this morning MM told us that she had given up her fight and went to the Rainbow’s End. Who’s gonna keep the Airedales in-line now? Her little 16-pound body was barely a skeleton with skin and all her brown spots had turned white & gray. She wasn’t a 13″ or 15″ inch beagle but a 10″ beagle with an Airedale attitude.
Once again our hearts are broken in pieces. She traveled far and wide with us and had many cousins that she shared her sandbox with for the last six years.
We will see you again MillieMo~we loved you.
Sandi Sprankle and Don Brighenti