Many thanks to Kirk Nims and Mike Billion for bringing Maggie into rescue and for being her temporary foster home. Big paws-up to Shawn Jones for fostering Maggie and teaching her what it is like to be loved. Thanks to Lynn O’Shaughnessy for doing the home visit and thanks to all who helped with Maggie’s various transports!

Maggie has adapted very well to her new home in East Lansing. She loves going to the dog park and mingling with other dogs, though I think she preferred it when it was colder and there was snow on the ground, for she loves frolicking through the snow and doesn’t seem to be too fond of the heat.
She is very observant, and has great eye-snout coordination: she seems to enjoy watching TV and is an expert fly catcher. I am thankful she is already so well trained and has no destructive inclinations. She
does, however, have a bizarre taste for dryer sheets, and searches clothes baskets for them. Maggie also has a magnificent singing voice, which I was surprised and amused to discover one morning when my alarm was going off. The masses of Palestrina really get her going.
She has turned out to be a delightful companion, and I am so happy SOAR helped me find her.
Steve Fairchild