Just a note to let you know how well Miss Jade is adjusting and how blessed I feel to have this dog share my life! Never thought I’d find another pooch that would ‘complete’ me as well as my Zeus & Gwen, but Jade has done that and then some. I told her she had ‘big paws’ to fill and she hasn’t let me down once. LOL! I cannot get over how even tempered she is with everyone she meets. We’ve been around people of all ages (5 years to 93 years) and several handicapped persons and Jade has been wonderful. The only time she acts like a goofball is when she meets another dog and wants nothing but to play!! So we’re working on this before we go into a pole barn full of dogs for obedience classes.
The only item Jade thinks she must ‘destroy’ are balls for some reason. We’ve gone through five!! SOooo, now after we play ball I put it away so she can’t chew it up. I have plenty of other ‘good’ things for her to chew on. She still hasnt gotten on the furniture and only gets on the bed when invited. I have left her for short periods of time uncontained in the house and she’s done excellent in not chewing on furniture or my cats. I ususally take her wherever I go, but want her to be ok by herself as well. Really, the only time she gets obnoxious and acts all ‘terrier’ is when I leave her on the cable in back yard and walk away. She barks terribly!! Now she doesn’t bark ALL the time and likes to watch me mow the yard, but wants to be with me doing anything else.
Click here to read Part 2 of Jade’s Tail Wagging Tale.
Click here to read about Jade’s mom and SOAR Volunteer, Darla Dickensheets.
LEFT: Jade being a goof. RIGHT: Tracking a field Mouse

Pictures below are from November 2011