February 6, 2008 was the day Miss Sophie came into our family. She was 11.5 years young and her family could no longer keep her. It was our lucky day!Sophie saw us through the loss of close friends and family (both 2 legged and 4), always by our side and unaffected by the outside world. She never got too excited about anything unless you had a tennis ball in your hand. She knew what was important in life….the love we share with others and enjoying life.She ran the household with an iron paw—if it’s 5 o’clock—it’s dinnertime, there is always a vanilla wafer coming after the last potty break before bed, and if the car is moving–I’m in it…. Those were her rules and if not obeyed she certainly let you know what she thought about it.
She had a kind heart and everyone who met her adored her. Sophie made many friends throughout the past 3.5 years as she went to the office with us every day and loved to prance throughthe neighborhood on her twice daily walks. We had to bid her farewell on August 13th. as her body could no longer keep up with her spirit.If you are considering adopting a dog, please consider a senior dog. Sophie was a fantastic dog and I wouldn’t trade the past 3.5 years for anything in the world.There are no guarantees in life. Age oftentimes has nothing to do with longevity so please consider an aged dog when you consider adoption. Sophie will always remain in our hearts. She was quite a gal….Susan Fox