Hi Marsha !!
I’m sorry we haven’t gotten back with you lately, we’re much too busy hugging and playing with our new member of the family!! One thing I have to say – August has asked to change Miley’s name to Zoe, and we are all getting used to it! We are all having so much fun with her, she is so playful and seems very happy! Barb says she never had a dog that liked being so physical – leaning against you, and wanting to be in your face licking and sometimes biting (although she is getting a lot better about that!). She is eating very well and is very good going for walks. She has chewed through a harness and leash so now we watch her more closely, and keep her occupied! I have taken her up to lake Huron a couple times and she just loves the beach, jumping and playing in the sand! She doesn’t quite know what to think of some of the big rocks in the water as the water breaks over them. I think she believes they are animals or something! She seems very happy! She is good in the house too, we don’t use the crate at all, and she is just fine if I have to run up to the store or something! She is soooo smart too!! The other night we where in the backyard and she was watching an airplane go by and the branches blowing!! DO I SOUND LIKE A NEW FATHER OR WHAT !!
We all love her to pieces, and thank you again so much for helping us all to find each other!!
We will talk again soon!
Best Regards!
Chuck, Barb, and August