Just an update on life with Zeus. I simply adore this dog. He is so loving, sweet and ornery. I came home from work the other day and saw this aluminum pan and paper on the floor and couldn’t imagine what it was. I went over, picked it up and realized it had housed cinnamon rolls before Zeus decided to get them off the counter and eat them. Luckily they were almost gone before he got a hold of them. Ha. He has adapted to Macy and vice versa. He no longer growls at her and she still just ignores him as she has from the start. We are trying to teach him some manners, like letting his mom come in the door first before he rushes past and about knocks me down. He is making progress. Terry has started taking him to the park which he loves and comes home worn out (Zeus that is). I call him my shadow as he pretty much lays in what ever room I am in and when I get up, he gets up and follows. He has done well with my grandchildren so far. My mother came to visit the other day and he growled at her several times but I think it is because she has a cat and the smell of the cat was on her. Guess I’ll have to hose her down next time before she enters the house. Just kidding. He wakes me promptly at 6am every morning, much to my dismay. He comes to the side of the bed, puts his feet up on the side and then licks my face. He will do this about every 10 minutes until I get up out of that bed. At least he is waiting until 6am. The first several days, he was waking me at 4:30am. At first he didn’t want me to brush him but now is ok with it. He balked at having his chin wiped after drinking but is getting used to that also. He eats like there is no tomorrow. We have a large fenced yard but he really wants to be in the house all the time. He will do his business, look around and then come right back to the door to get inside. I guess if I had lived tied to a dog house for over three years, I’d want to make sure I got back inside too. He is definitely a Mama’s boy. Taking him a bit longer to warm up to my husband but it is getting better all the time.