Hi, Everyone!
Wow! Hard to believe we’re coming up to a month in my new home! It’s been quite the month. My mom and dad and sister have made this a truly wonderful home for me and I luv all of it.
Let’s see, it took me about a nanosecond to fall in love with this place. What could be better than a big fenced yard to play in with my sister Kali, woods to walk in, and a big lake to go swimming in.
We chase each other around the decks and backyard and then play tug of war with the rope toy. I let Kali win sometimes so she doesn’t think, just because I’m 30 pounds heavier than she, I can beat her at all the games! She’s pretty neat and has showed me how to bark and chase the squirrels and rabbits and to let all those little pests we meet on our daily walks (I think Mom and Dad called them yappy, pesky poodles or something like that) just who rules the block!
Dad pretends to be exasperated when he has to fill in the huge holes I excavate and says something about hoping I don’t get right down to the septic tank weeping tiles! Yesterday I managed to dig after a garter snake and created a really artistic pile of dirt and sand. Apparently Mom and Dad have different ideas regarding art and proceeded to wreck my masterpiece with a shovel and rake.
We have gone back to using a gentle leader for some of my walks as Dad says he needs both his arms and those rabbits are just so darn much fun to take off after!!
Someone mentioned that, because I spent so much time in a crate, I might be a bit hesitant around the water. NOT! When Dad throw the Wubba or the throw toys, I love to just charge in after them and I can swim quite a bit faster than Kali, despite her legs going 100 mph! Mom says it’s quite the doggie management exercise to let both of us have our turns as we both want to chase the same toys. Occasionally we decide to share the same toy, so it makes swimming an interesting challenge with two dogs attached to the same toy.
Then I get to go for boat rides. WOW! Wind blowing my ears back and all kinds of gulls and terns and herons and egrets to bark at. It’s especially neat to try to bite those funny little bubbles that trail down the side of the boat. Mom says if I lean over anymore, I’ll probably take her swimming with me. Mom and Dad have lifejackets for us and I think I may be wearing one on our next trip! I’ve also attached a picture of me going after those bubbles.
Last weekend, I got to meet and sniff and nuzzle Mom and Dad’s grandkids and everyone complimented me on my impeccable behaviour around the baby. All I know is he smelled real good and the licks produced some new flavours – something like errant baby food.
I still have a little separation anxiety when Mom and Dad go out. Yesterday Mom left for awhile and I didn’t realize Dad was still around until he caught me with my head through the side of a 50 pound bag of expensive dog food! Guess we’re all learning. And I still countersurf with the best of them (managed to eat six hamburger buns last week off the back of the counter with no ill effects (pretty tricky, huh!)). But it seems things are getting higher and further away so it’s getting tougher and tougher!
Last weekend I showed my Achilles heel. We had a good ole fashioned Ontario thunderstorm and I DIDN’T LIKE IT. Apparently sitting on Dad’s head while he was asleep at 3 a.m. was not acceptable behaviour.
All in all, a pretty fabulous life thanks to all those terrific people. So now we are heading into summer with lots of fun stuff ahead. I’ll report in once in awhile but I may be just too darn busy this summer having fun and enjoying this new and very wonderful life!
Oh yeah – Dad and I watched the Monaco Grand Prix a couple of weeks back and I tried to point out Rich to Dad but I couldn’t find him in the crowds. Boy, was Dad ever envious!!
Tyson McMillan
Click here to go to Part 1 of Tyson’s Tail Wagging Tale.
Click here to go to Part 2 of Tyson’s Tail Wagging Tale.
Click here to go to Part 4 of Tyson’s Tail Wagging Tale.