Ritzi was surrendered to SOAR as a rambunctious, young Airedale and has now found the perfect home!
Thanks to Susan Fox for getting Ritzi into rescue, for doing a short term foster and for transporting her halfway to Michigan. Thanks to Lynn O’Shaughnessy for meeting up with Susan and delivering Ritzi to her foster family. Special thanks to Tom and Theresa Pinta for fostering Ritzi, spending some time with training and meeting with her new family. Thanks also to Kirk Nims and Mike Billion for doing the home visit. You guys rock!
Our Ritzi
It has been almost a week since we brought Ritzi, our loving, affectionate, and adorable nine-month old Airedale Terrier into our family. She is adjusting so well and is making new friends very quickly. She has a nice medium size yard where she enjoys romping and hitting her basketball around in like a soccer ball. She tries to eat wood chips from the garden, but her “mom” doesn’t approve of it. She has many toys and even has a toy box for them all. She likes to take them out of the toy box and leave them around the house for her Dad and Mom to pick up.
She gets TONS of walks. One in the early morning before the sun rises, one when her mom comes home from work, and one around 6:30. The 6:30 walk is more like a party. Ritzi walks up to the nearby park, which has tons of fields, trees, and squirrels. She meets up there with her two best pals, Chloe, a ten-month old white German Shepherd, and Jenny, a seven year old adopted White German Shepherd. Ten or so other dogs and their owners also meet up there a that time for socialization. Ritzi loves to play and meet new friends. When home she collapses on the floor and sleeps right on through the night.
She doesn’t like to leave her mom’s side. Susan Fox called her the “velcro” dog and she could not be any more right! She loves to sit by her Dad and have her paws rubbed and cuddle with him on the couch. When her Mom and Dad leave for work she gets really upset. Her Mom and Dad freeze a hallow bone, filled with tasty stuff, and give it to her to distract her. So far it seems to be working well.
Ritzi loves to pull and jump, but seems to be mellowing down. She will be getting obedience training in a few months and once that is through she may possibly take up the dog sport of Flyball or Dog Therapy. She absolutely loves tennis balls and people!
She is such a joy to have around and entertains her Mom and Dad with her antics, such as her sleeping “noises” and her habit of batting ice cubes around on the floor with her paws. They love their new “fur kid” to pieces and are SO happy to have her in their life! Thank you to Susan, Lynn, her foster parents Tom and Theresa , Kirk, and the many other SOAR volunteers and coordinators not mentioned above, for allowing us, Ritzi’s mom and dad, to have Ritzi in our life! She is well loved and I, her new “mom” just adore her and can not thank them enough! God bless them all for all the wonderful things they do for the Airedale Terrier as a breed and for bringing Ritzi into our life!
April and Chris Piechocki