First of all I would like to thank everyone who is involved in Airedale Rescue. It takes certain people to be able to do this – ones with big hearts.
Personal thank yous goes out to Lynn O’Shaughnessy for handling the adoption of Murphy. Barbara from Toronto, Ontario in helping us locate Murphy and to Murphy’s foster momk Eva. Eva is a very kind and thoughtful woman who loved Murphy dearly. I think if Murphy stayed any longer with Eva she would have kept him. It must be hard for foster families to send them on their way.
We lost our 11 year old, female Airedale, Zorra in June 2011. Our family had agreed to wait a couple of years before getting another dog because we thought no dog could compare to Zorra. Ya right!!!! And then there was Murphy. The first picture we laid eyes on we knew he was ours. This was in October 2011. So much for the two years.
Everything was finalized so quickly it was like it was meant to be. Ken and Josh drove to Michigan the beginning of November 2011 to pick up our new furkid, Muphy. Since then our lives have been full of joy and love and, yes, frustration. We call Murphy our “Recycle Junkie.” Murphy constantly has his nose in the recycle bins at home pulling out plastic bottles and yogurt cups to play with. We even bought him the cutest dog toys by he still prefers his recyclables. Murphy will never replace Zorra but with Murphy he sure has done something to all of our broken hearts he is refilling them.
The Davies Family London, Ontario