Kirk has a huge heart for rescue Airedales. He is willing to jump in to do just about anything to help an Airedale in need. All you need to do is to let him know you have a problem and he will work with you to help find a solution. He is connected to the Airedale community and has been a tremendous resource for medical issues that sometimes affect our breed. The Airedales respect him and we are happy he is so willing to help.
A shining example of one of many things that Kirk has done was the result of asking them to check on an Airedale listed on Craigslist. Here is what Kirk had to say.
There had been a posting to Craigslist for the Detroit area last week about an Airedale boy needing to find a new home. Lynn O was contacted and she asked me to write a note of inquiry. Michelle, Winston’s Mom, responded to my note in response to her post on Craigslist.
Michelle has to go overseas for about a year due to her work assignments. Her mother is taking her Shih Tzu while she is gone. Her family members feel that the Airedale boy is just too big to cope with so she had convinced herself that with her work hours and such and this year abroad, it was most fair to Winston to find him a good new home.
We talked. It was obvious to me that Winston had a good home and a Mom that cared for him very much and very well and really did not want to give him up.
I told her that there is a possibility that we might be able to find a long term foster for Winston so that she could have him back when she was back in the States and able to take Winston and the Shih Tzu back home to all be together again. She welcomed that suggestion. She was afraid that Winston might forget her and it wasn’t fair to Winston to move him around, back and forth. NOT! I told her. Winston will not forget her and he will enjoy his time with the Deerfield House pack but will be VERY happy to see Michelle again and go home with her again! These boys don’t forget the good stuff, nor the bad stuff. They have excellent memories and enjoy their memories.
I would take Winston for Michelle. It will work out perfectly. Winston’s Shih Tzu buddy will be living near me here in MI and they can still have play dates and keep in touch with one another. Winston will have 3 big Airedale brothers to teach him the ropes and play with him. Michelle’s Mom will be at hand as Grandma to help make any medical decisions should any issues arise while we are taking care of Winston. Winston loves to be out of doors and hikes a lot with Michelle. He will enjoy being at Deerfield House with the pack and playing in my back yard with our three. I can send piccies, video phone calls and videos while Michelle is overseas.
I will take Winston onboard on Christmas Day for about a year or so. Nice Christmas Present all around!