“All dogs have value and all dogs deserve to be loved,” says Jenny T. Patrick. “We are their voice. And dogs are my true passion.”
As with every volunteer working with SOAR, Jenny feels right at home. Why?
“Because SOAR is made up of an amazing group of people dedicated to helping the Airedale breed. Anything that can be done, whether it involves time or money, will be done, in order to help a needy dog find forever love.”
For her part, Jenny does transports and home visits, and together with her husband Al, currently has three Airedales of her own – Buddy, Lucy, and Bella.
“Bella is a ‘foster fail’ through SOAR,” she admits. “I was supposed to pick her up and house her on a temporary basis. But I knew from the moment our eyes met that we were meant to be together, and she became a permanent member of our family.”

The Patricks own a concrete construction business, and although they have two grown sons, Eric, 27, and Brandon, 20, what they don’t have are grandchildren. But Jenny says they’re “patiently waiting.”
Balancing her work life with her volunteer life is challenging at times, but she gladly takes on whatever she can for SOAR. And knowing how grateful they are for every minute of every hour she can give them makes her feel grateful – for their deep and genuine appreciation.
This is Jenny’s message to those with some extra hours to fill:
Find a cause that is near and dear to you, and donate to that cause. No matter what it is, no amount is too little or too small. I guarantee you will feel your heart fill with warmth. And there’s no more satisfying feeling than that.