Ernie came from a shelter with an unknown past. Thanks to Marsha Roush and Julie Sowards for springing him from the shelter, and to Marsha for fostering him and attending to his vet needs. Many thanks to Sheri Glass for doing the home visit for the Reckers who fell in love with Ernie. Lastly, thanks to Dohn and Marsha Roush for transporting Ernie halfway to meet his new family.
Just letting you know Ernie is doing great. We are working on obedience training, that is going well. We are walking everyday, he is a very good companion. He has been great in the house, we leave him loose in the house when we are gone for a few hours with no problems. He has been a very good find.
We had Sherri Glass groom Ernie for the first time. He didn’t look like the same dog afterword. Check out the photo.
Thanks again,
The Reckers