November 13, 1932 – August 9, 2009
Wadsworth, Ohio
(pictured above with daughter, Sandi Sprankle, right)
The grandma of Jake Sprankle, will be seeing him again, this time running after a cat or snatching food off the counter as he once did.
Grammy Betty who verbally expressed her dislike for dogs, routinely would call Jake and ask him to come over to her house as she had just baked him some cookies. He in return would act as though he didn’t like them, so he could shyly gobble them up behind her back. Once done, he would go over to Grammy and start sniffing her left knee. Humm……just so happens that knee had a steel rod inserted in it from an accident and seemed as good as anything for him to start chewing on! No wonder Airedales have a deserving reputation of being ‘terrors’!
Thank you Mom, you gave me life so I could save the lives of others just like Jake. We love you and miss those cookies everyday.
‘Sandi Sprankle