Hi! My name is Bev Langley and I’ve owned Airedales since I was 15 years old. Our first family pet was a wire-haired fox terrier and our second family pet was a 12 week old Airedale girl who was all legs and that’s when I fell in love with Airedales. I currently have two Airedales – Emma, who is almost 12 and who I “rescued” from a man who bought her from a breeder near Toledo, Ohio and was going to take her back after only 1 week! She was 9 weeks old when she came to live with me and her 9 year old Airedale sister – Belle. My other dog is my second Airedale rescue – and my first boy! His name is Shadow and he’s 6 and has lived with us for over two years. My first Airedale rescue was a girl – Clara who was 6 years old and came to live with Emma and I after Belle.
I have always been a dog person and while I may not know the names of all the people in our neighborhood – I know what dog lives where and usually its name! In my spare time, I work for two investment management firms – one in Columbus, Ohio and one in Sylvania, Ohio. I provide securities compliance support and also act as the general counsel for one of the firms.
Being the secretary for SOAR will be my first “official” work with a dog group. My family has a home in Oak Island, NC and I volunteer at SOAR when I go down there – it stands for Southport-Oak Island Animal Rescue. I also help to support programs at another rescue program in the area. My favorite gift for my hard to buy for relatives and friends is to donate money to a local shelter or animal rescue group in their name.
I look forward to meeting and working with you all. Thanks for the opportunity.