Zoey Morris IN

Zoey was in a horrible situation when volunteer Susan Fox finally got her out of it. Zoey was a mess. Susan recently received this picture of Zoey with her new best bud, MacKenzie. Susan writes, “As you can see, she has a wonderful home and a family that really love her. They’ve worked through some problems with her and she’s doing great. She would literally climb the fence to get to Mackenzie! Now, if Mackenzie is riding her bike in the driveway, they make sure Zoey is with her and everyone is happy. No more climbing the fence. They’re quite the pair!!”
August 18, 2010 Update from Zoey’s Family
Last night Zoey did something so sweet and amazing. Mackenzie and Zoey were sleeping in her room and Mackie started having a bad dream. Zoey, concerned something was wrong, got up and barked at us till we checked on her. She loves Mackie like her own puppy she watches her and follows her around. She is the sweetest dog. I’m so happy we found each other!!!
Christmas 2010 Update

Got a new camera for Christmas and tried it out on Zoey. We just love her so much, I can not tell you how happy this fuzzy girl makes me!
She loves us right back too! She has me wrapped around her paw. In one of the pictures she is enjoying an early Christmas present. She absolutely loves playing in the snow, especially with Mackenzie. They are best buddies. She has been very good with the Christmas tree. She only bothered one ornament and one present, she was mad we left her to go to a Christmas party. I can’t blame her – I’d be mad too! Zoey has done incredibly well with Bill going back to work and adjusted well to a change in her schedule. But she does love it when we have stay-home days, she cuddles next to me in the couch and keeps me warm.
I couldn’t imagine a better ‘dale to have!
I wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a wonderful New Year!! Thank you for making my heart complete.Wishing SOAR much continued success,
Penny Morris