Airedale Assisted: Rescue Group: Amount: | Matti North Carolina Airedale Rescue $500.00 |

Matti’s story is below in Pat’s own words:
“Matthias, affectionately known as Matti or Matti Chet, came to us in March of 2013. He had been dumped in a horse pasture in Loris, SC and tagged by NC Airedale Rescue. Rick and I tagged him to test for our service dog program. Through that process, we learned he had a strong distrust of men and had one bad hip. We were to foster until a home was found, but alas, we failed fostering. It took almost 18 months before Rick could look him in the eye. As for me, I could do anything with him… I think I am his world.
All was going great, other than some urine leakage and separation anxiety. And then mommy intuition kicked in early December and we brought Matti in for a check-up and blood work. It revealed dangerously high kidney functions and Matti was admitted to the ER on December 9th. The next 4 days he was between the ER and our Vet practice. We were making progress and then a few days without fluid therapy, he relapsed. Hospitalizing was stressing him and our Vet allowed us to bring him home and do fluid therapy at home. We introduced a medication to block phosphorus. It seemed to help and the day before Christmas he was improving; not out of the woods but improving. The day after Christmas revealed his kidney functions climbing again and we increased fluids to four times a day. This past Saturday he was unsteady on his feet and vomiting again. By Sunday evening, he was really bad. Our vet met us at the clinic and we learned his blood pressure was elevated. He was given anti-nausea medication and we picked up a prescription for blood pressure meds. Home to hold tight for the night and pray God’s will and our love would see him through.
We do not know what is causing his issues. PLN (protein losing nephrophy) is not likely as albumin is normal, possibly auto-immune. He is negative for Lyme, heartworm, and leptospirosis. He remains at the Vet clinic today and we wait and pray.
Matti is a joy. He is compassionate to the others. A big lug of a teddy bear who makes us laugh. He came to us when our triples (Delta Mae, Maggie, and Calah) were so sick and made us laugh. He is not even 4 years old and deserves every chance to live. That is our promise to him…
Vet just called no real changes. They talked to a kidney specialist who suggests second Lepto titer and another ultrasound at the day practice for the ER clinic with vet radiologists. Likely he will hospitalize overnight for IV fluids…
Just talked to vet. 3:00 Matti update: ultrasound cannot be scheduled until Wednesday afternoon. His pressure is down some but not enough. BP med increased, doxycycline introduced. He is not interested in their food. Vet says he is not antsy, but obviously not feeling well. We will transfer him to ER later for IV fluids overnight, bring the phosphorus binder, and his treats that daddy made. Got to give him a fighting chance…
The boy is certainly worse than this morning. BP is going down which is good. Other vital signs are good considering all. Introduced doxycycline and then another med to coat his stomach often used for dogs with ulcers. IV fluids and meds overnight. We brought his treats that Rick made in case he wants to eat and the phosphorus binder. He does still have light in his eyes although you can tell he just does not feel well. He wagged his tail at us and wanted to sniff the clinic wait area.
The vet asked if we considered NC state veterinary school, which is 2+ hours from us. Other than him being in one place and not having to be transferred locally they can do what he needs and the vet did a consult today with a specialist. We would rather have him close to home so we can get to him than 2 hours away. Our hearts say that is right for us. Praying we are making the right decisions for him…
He went into cardiac arrest. Revived. We are heading to him now.

He’s gone. We were with him to let him go.
No one can replace Matti and the Hairston’s understand that. Their grief is overwhelming. Your financial assistance will help ease their burden as they recover from this very heartbreaking time in their lives. They have run up over $4,000 in medical costs in December alone to try to save Matti’s life. Please help Pat and Rick by helping them to pay off the cost of care they provided to try to save Matti’s young life. No amount is too small – every penny will help! Please!
Patricia and Rick Hairston’s address is 135 Westbrook Dr., Wilmington, NC 28405, if you prefer to send a donation directly to Pat and Rick.
A bit about the Hairston’s: Pat and Rick have spent their lives dedicated to dogs, rescue and helping others. You see, together they run a non-profit that rescues, trains and certifies service dogs for people with disabilities including our Veterans. This couple devotes of their hearts and their lives helping others, never asking for help for themselves. Now, when they have suffered a very difficult personal loss of their beloved Matti, they need our help personally. Please open your hearts to help them heal for the very important work they do.
Thank you!!!