UPDATE – November 12, 2013
Hi Lynn!
Macie is doing very well! She is getting big! Nearing 60+pounds and still filling out. I think she’s reached her full height through. She had a great summer! She did LOTS of swimming and chasing LOTS of frisbees in our backyard with Brodie and her neighbor dog friend, Holly (a black lab/golden retriever mix). She also goes to doggie daycare with Brodie every other week… She loves it there! It gives them a day to play with friends while we are at work. She spent one day (or more) every week at the barn with me this spring, summer, and fall. She is a barn dog! She absolutely loves it there. She just lays in the barn watching me groom my horse and she would wander to the fence line of our outdoor arena and watch me ride. She also plays with Brodie, my aunt’s husky Teko, and miniature dachshund Rascal, when she is at the barn. She went to my cousin’s baseball games and spent lots of time at the beach with our family too! We sure keep her and Brodie very busy!!

I attached pictures from the spring and summer! You can sure see how fast she grew! With all the snow we got today, it reminded me of housebreaking Macie in the dead of winter last year! So glad we’re out of that stage! Brrrr!
Carolyn (& Josh, Macie & Brodie!) [Carolyn & Josh are human and Brodie is the Welsh Terrier . )

UPDATE – March 7, 2013
Macie has been doing very well! We haven’t been doing much out of the ordinary. Just playing with neighbor dogs and sniffing around the yard.
Hope all is well! Give Charlotte a pat for us!

UPDATE – Macy and Brodie go on vacation

I saw the update about Charlotte! Those pictures of her sleeping positions had me cracking up!!!! Macy sleeps just like that. Sometimes I can’t figure out which end is which because she’s sleeping in such a weird way! I’ll have to capture some of her seeping positions and you can match them up with Charlotte’s that would be a cute update 🙂
UPDATE – February 2013
This little girl wasn’t answering to Elle, but she seemed to really like the name Macy, so MACY it is!
Check out Macy entertaining herself, and everyone else:
Josh and Carolyn write:
Here are a couple pictures of Elle and her first two days with us. She is fitting in well 🙂
Thanks again for everything, we really love her!

Lynn writes: I had forgotten to take Elle’s pink bowl when I took her to her new home on Friday, so I took it over yesterday. The front yard was littered with a few tennis balls and paw prints all over the snow. Brodie and Elle were obviously enjoying themselves.

Read the beginning of Elle and her sister and her mother’s rescue story here.