Although I’ve just started volunteering for SOAR, I’m amazed by all of the dedicated and generous volunteers I’ve met.
I’m one of the transport coordinators, and working alongside such wonderful people, not to mention our amazing Airedales, I know how important it is to give back to the community, especially to organizations one feels passionate about.
I grew up surrounded by fox terriers. Dogs would literally show up at our house and, of course, we took them in. Because of that, I can’t imagine my life without dogs. They bring us so much joy, craziness and love, and teach us so many life lessons.
After having had eight fox terriers, I adopted Annie, my first, and certainly not my last, Airedale. In fact, my dad told me jokingly, “You just had to go and adopt an Airedale, king of the terriers!” Now I see what he meant. Airedales are fantastic dogs, and Annie is the sweetest dog I’ve ever had.

My husband and I rescued Annie from SOAR in 2013, and we’re SO appreciative of the volunteers, because without them, we wouldn’t have gotten our gorgeous girl. We’d already rescued a wire fox terrier named Bentley in 2012, and the two are the best of furry friends. Then in 2014, we added Charlotte, our first child, to the mix, and the three have formed their own mutual admiration society.
I look forward to Charlotte growing up with our dogs and sharing the same special bond with them that I shared growing up. What I love most right now is walking into her nursery to find Bentley asleep under her crib and Annie sleeping at the door, keeping watch.
As part of the family’s bakery business (we own Le Bon Macaron in East Lansing and Grand Rapids, MI), I’m able to blend – no pun intended – everything together. We incorporate our dogs into our daily lives as much as possible. They’re part of the family and we treat them that way. My sister and I even have an Instagram account called The Fox and Friends, which is dedicated to our dogs. It’s so much fun to connect with fellow dog lovers around the world.
Once again, I have to say how truly moved I am by the kindness and generosity of this fabulous group’s incredible volunteers. From one volunteer to another, thank you!