We are happily fated to be forever, not foster, homes. Why? Because we’d be foster fails every time. We’d simply fill out the paper work and adopt them all.
After we adopted our Airedale, Martha, from SOAR in November 2012, we were hooked on helping, and began volunteering the following spring. I’m sure all rescues are great, but our experience with SOAR is our base line – so caring, so efficient, so insistent on putting the dogs’ welfare first.
Whatever we’re asked to do, we do, including rescue, transports, home visits, and working on the Aire Affaire. But for us, adopting is the most satisfying. I think it’s because the dales know they’ve been saved and that they’re special. Our own two dales, Martha and Smitty, have filled our hearts more than anyone can imagine. And every day is an adventure with an Airedale.

One memorable experience for us was learning about a young male Airedale in a bad outdoors situation. After contacting Lynn and making the necessary arrangements, we rescued “Drake” from a creek bank. We spent hours cleaning up the poor matted and muddy ‘dale, brought him to the vet for a thorough examination and neutering, then watched as he ultimately found his forever home.
Luckily, we live on a farm, where the acreage gives our ‘dales room to play and run. Needless to say, they’re famous in our little town. If we’re going on errands in the truck, they just have to come along, and back home, they keep us hopping. Steve walks them twice a day around the grounds, then Martha needs her ball games. Grooming day reminds us just how boring life would be without our precious ‘dales around.
Do we sound as if we’re adamant about adoption? Because we are. There’s such a need, especially for older Airedales, but with that need comes the greatest satisfaction of all – giving peace and security to a noble and loyal, best fur friend forever.

Karen and Steve are also fantastic artisans. Above are two pieces for the 2013 and 2014 SOAR Aire Affaire.