Dira was a very little Airedale, only 40 pounds, with a very big heart and attitude. She came to me from Nancy Secrist, the owner of Seneca Airedales, who had imported her and her litter mate from Germany for her excellent breeding program. But Dira was a very smart little doggy and refused to get pregnant. Nancy literally gave her to me because she knew I was looking for a companion for me and my big lout, Rudy. Several months later, my “free” Airedale swallowed an unidentified piece of hard rubber that lodged in her belly and required emergency surgery. That was only the first time – she did it again a few years later. So my free Airedale ultimately was my most expensive Airedale.
Dira and Rudy were absolute best buddies from the minute she came into the house. Dira loved everybody – people and other dogs. Not so much cats, squirrels, and possums. In fact, she developed the habit of harassing possums until they played dead, then bringing them into the house through the dog door in the middle of the night. When they came back to life, chaos reigned! Once I even had to call the local police.
Dira helped me through the rough time of losing Rudy and the two of us settled down to a peaceful life as old ladies. I had hoped she would live to be at least 16, but sadly she died rather unexpectedly, probably of internal bleeding brought on by liver cancer. She was an exceptional dog and I loved her dearly.