July 5, 2004- August 22, 2012
Aggy Peiffer came into rescue alone and uncertain of her future. Her boundless energy and curiosity had managed to contribute to her homeless situation. The only thing Aggy was looking for was love and she surely found what she was looking for when she found Donna and Terry Peiffer. After talking with the foster family several times it was decided that the Peiffer’s would be a great match for Aggy. No one could imagine just how right that adoption would be.
The Peiffer’s shared their life with another dog, Lacey, who was less than thrilled when Aggy came bounding into her life. Ultimately Lacey decided there was plenty of love for both of them and, although they didn’t always see “eye to eye” on everything, Lacey concluded Aggy was okay for a fur-sister.
Aggy and Terry were meant to be together. She loved everyone, but Terry was her special human. They spent their days together, sometimes chopping wood, working outdoors, gardening, canoeing, or just sitting side by side enjoying the orchard in the still of the evening. Aggy even made peace with the resident cat although left to her own, she probably thought it was great sport chasing him. It didn’t take long for her to understand that Terry did not want her harassing the cat and she complied.
Aggy emanated love and those around her couldn’t help but be drawn into her circle of love.
Aggy became sick and although the Peiffer family took her to many doctors including Ohio State University, no one could save her. She had filled many hearts with love and given so much more than we could have expected, it was inconceivable that it was her time to cross over the bridge.
Sadly, on August 22, 2012 in the arms of her beloved Terry she slipped across the bridge. Although she is no longer here in body, her spirit will live on in our hearts forever.