Airedale Assisted: Chewy
Rescue Group: Starting Over Airedale Rescue
Amount: $550
SOAR got this e-mail from one of our volunteers.
“Wanted you to know that one of our own SOAR dogs – Chewy and his mom were attacked by 2 pit bulls while walking in their neighborhood on Sunday late afternoon.The pits were behind a 6 ft. wood privacy fence and pounded on the gate until it burst open and they ran and jumped Chewy from behind. His mom got bit in the hand trying to pull the dogs off Chewy. Neither dogs had collars on so she had no leverage to grab them. One attacked his hind end and tail- he has 9 metal staples there and the other went for his head and neck- his ear is partially torn and gone. He had bite wounds from top to bottom. His mom was kicking and screaming and pounding on the dogs and able to grab one and drag it over to the backyard while the other hung onto Chewy’s neck. His mom ran to the house door and yelled HELP and was pounding and kicking the door and the owner ran out and grabbed his other dog. At this point Chewy ran on home. His mom ran after him to find him bleeding everywhere. She packed him into her car and took him to the ER. Then she took herself to an ER clinic across the street. Her hand had punctures and abrasions. They filed a police report.
Chewy came home that night with staples and his ear/head wrapped to stop the bleeding. They gave him shots and meds and told her to take him to her regular vet in the morning. He had a horrible, painful night and was full of anxiety. His mom stayed up with him all night. He went to her vet and they gave him heavy meds for pain and told her to come back to have staples removed and ear wrap. He finally ate for the first time in 2 days last night and again this morning. He is very quiet and needy as you can imagine.
Chewy’s mom also conveyed that she had lost her job on 9/30. We were happy to help from Layla’s Fund.
A little over a year later, we received a donation from Chewy’s mom. She wanted to repay this back plus some additional to help the next Airedale who needs it. What a wonderful “paying it forward” story. 🙂